in answer to Official Room Editor

in answer to Official Room Editor

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Posted by BitShifter on August 23, 2000 at 11:57:56:

>>after all this stuff about an official room editor I have a question to you, especially to Turbo, Roy, Bitshifter and all the other developers here. Do you think that C/E do release a room editor for all the games or just for TR5 (TR4gold)?

I've been away for a while because I'm learning Borland C Builder (got tired of humongous VB install files size).

I sure hope so and if it does not, will they give the source code so we can change it (Yeah, dream on)

I'll be waiting and will test it. I know by inclination I am more a level designer than a software developer but, let's see what gives, heh?

>>I do not have enough knowledge about other 3D engines, I played a little Duke, some hours Turok and the whole Shadowman (the only game that matches the TR idea and also has great German translation even better than TR1-3). I know about the shareware/freeware editors for Quake and other games like that and I also know that they provide people with features never seen in the original editors.
So, please, if someone thinks about giving up after these "good" news, please think about the above mentionned points.....

A very good feature would be a "Save as..." to save TR1 as TR5 just to get the lates Lara. That should do it.

And by the way, that drooppy-eyed thing in Lara will be easy to fix: just change the texture mapping on two triangular polygon on her face.

I'll just wait ands see...but as a warning to Eidos, I mostly replay my TR2 and TR3 level for fun. Not so with TR4.







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