RwSetSurfaceTextureModes(RwTextureModes modes);
Sets the texture mode (or modes) of the current material. Texture modes permit fine grain control over the rendering of textures.
modes A bitfield representing a texture mode (or "bitwise or" of modes).
Return Value
TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.
The texture modes are:
rwLIT The texture will be lit according to the current light sampling type of the material (rwFACET or rwVERTEX).
rwFORESHORTEN The texture will be foreshortened in a perspectively correct manner.
rwFILTER A filter will be applied to the texture to reduce the effect of pixelation due to aliasing.
For further information see the Texture Modes section in Chapter 2: Data Types.
Unlike RwAddTextureModeToSurface(), which simply adds one or more texture modes to the current materials set of modes, RwSetSurfaceTextureModes() replaces the current materials entire set of modes with those specified.
This function can only be called within the context of an RwModelBegin() RwModelEnd() block.
See Also