RwBitmapRaster(void *bitmap, RwRasterOptions options);
Converts a platform specific bitmap to a raster. The bitmap will be processed according to the specified options.
bitmap The source bitmap (device dependent parameter).
options A bitfield representing a raster processing option (or "bitwise or" of options).
Return Value
A pointer to the new raster if successful, and NULL otherwise.
This function is useful for generating texture maps at run-time. An application can convert platform specific, 2D rendering into a raster with RwBitmapRaster(). The resultant raster can then be selected into a texture map with RwSetTextureRaster().
The supported raster options are as follows:
rwAUTODITHERRASTER Dither the raster only if the source bitmap is to be resized (rwFITRASTER has been specified) or if the bitmap is a different depth from the current RenderWare render depth.
rwDITHERRASTER Dither the raster.
rwFITRASTER Resize the raster to texture map dimensions,
i.e., 128 x n * 128 (where n is the number of frames in a multi-frame texture).
rwGAMMARASTER Gamma correct the raster.
See Also