
3D Game Comparison - Game vs. game. No hype; just facts.™

Revision as of 04:24, 15 August 2007 by Eep² (t|c)
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This is the 'Game' form; edit the page to see the source code or add a page with this form.

Game: page title


Year year
Genre genre
Publisher publisher
Developer developer
Engine engine
Character character

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Typeengine type polygon Polygon
engine type voxel Voxel
engine type NURBS NURBS
Other: engine type other
Optimizationengine optimization LOD Level of detail (LOD)
engine optimization occlusion culling Occlusion culling
engine optimization portal rendering Portal rendering
Other: engine optimization other

{{{end template}}}


Watereffect water bubbles Bubbles
effect water current Current
effect water drops Drops
effect water ripples Ripples
effect water splash Splash
effect water waves Waves
effect water other Other
Breatheffect breath cold Cold
effect breath fire Fire
effect breath poison Poison
effect breath other Other

{{{end template}}}

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