RwGetUserDrawAlignment(RwUserDraw *userdraw);
Retrieves the alignment flag (or flags) of the user-draw. The alignment flags determine which part of the user-draws bounding box is used for alignment.
userdraw Pointer to the user-draw.
Return Value
A bitfield representing the set of alignment flags associated with the user-draw if successful. Errors can be checked for using RwGetError().
The alignment flags are:
0 Center the user-draw.
rwALIGNTOP Align with the top edge of the user-draw.
rwALIGNBOTTOM Align with the bottom edge of the user-draw.
rwALIGNLEFT Align with the left edge of the user-draw.
rwALIGNRIGHT Align with the right edge of the user-draw.
See Also