Posted by BitShifter on March 12, 2000 at 11:04:21:
In reply to: What is the 'csv' format posted by Bart on March 11, 2000 at 17:52:48:
: I am now downloading the level analyser from BitShifter and I don't know what the exported csv format can be. Does anyone know ????
The CSV format is a cross between a text file and a database. CSV refers to Comma Separated Values.
A comment line starts with a ";", a record line starts with the first value and each value (be it string or numeric) are separated by commas.
The file can be read and edited by any Excel app and are human readable if well formated.
It can also be read by the series of command that opens a file as Sequential:
(simple sample code here)
dim ifilenum as integer
Open filename for [Output|Input|Append] as #ifilenum [len=RecordLenInBytes]
Any basic text on accessing binary type files will give details.
Some things to remember, numerics will be changed to numbers even if originally string, strings will be now surrounded by double quotes.
However, if you are inputing a string that itself conains a comma, when you parse that string, you will have to check for the presence of a starting double quote after the comma and ignore any coma in that string until the ending double quote is met again.
Record will be read one at a time.
We use these types of file for data exchange between softwares that are not working synchronously. The format itself is very robust but will not keep any cute formating applied unless it later is saved as RichText or an XLS file.