Posted by vagrant on June 15, 2000 at 18:01:51:
In reply to: room editing basics needed posted by Tomb Biker on June 15, 2000 at 13:14:57:
Tomb Biker...
re" TR "slow motion bug" is what happens when I
run TR2 on a 3Dfx vid card....and then I want to do
something like add a new level, a patch or something...
suddenly, the game goes crappy, Lara's moving like a snail.
(only happens occassionally...)
For some reason,...I do not know why(nor care),
muy graphics settings are now on that (extremely) funky
directX "software" rip-off mode that TR2 came w/...
I gotta' run graphics "set-up" again to straighten this out.
takes a second or 2. that's all it is
Every time I want to create a underwater area of about more than one room the engine crashes (mostly down to reboot)
you mean to say..." 2 connecting underwater rooms in the
TR3 game" don't you?
how does TR1 or TR2 handle this test?
Is somebody out there having done that successfully?
not with TR3...haven't tried the others yet.
: When using water curent I always get this camera shaking. ANy idea how to avoid that?
try adding a LookAt as "un-triggered"("does nothing")
in one of the room's tiles, maybe?