Posted by BitShifter on May 10, 2000 at 11:55:18:
From the feedback I received:
The TextureAssign program will work only with *one* whole texture strip and will produce *one* list file of offsets and values for *that* texture strip.
The texture strips (one 8 bits and one 16 bits) could be imported into the level file by a program like Jack.
Then the TextureAssign will import its own list into the level.
However I will put on the backburner a couple of little applications:
=one that would take an 8bits texture bitmap file and make a 16bits bitmap (saving a lot of editing work)
=one that would weld together standalone tiles with their lists into one document ready for import into a level file.
=one that would split an 8bits texture into separate tiles and separate lists documents for library building purpose.
...unless someone can code faster than me.... :-)