Posted by E. Popov on February 27, 2000 at 04:51:23:
In reply to: NumWords for Room is wrong... posted by Jean Luc Picard on February 27, 2000 at 03:11:23:
> Here is how I calculated briefly. I read in 0xa79 as the number of words at
> offset 0xb0020. 0xa79 * 2 = 14f2 + b0022 = b1514. After reading in the room,
> my offset is 0xb1928.
Actually the offset where to read the number of words is 0xb001E. But results are what you are saying.
> Is the documentation simply wrong, or what is up? It's not just a couple of
> bytes that it's off. We're talking about a ~1K difference. Or am I simply
> reading it wrong?
The documentation is a bit misleading in the IX chapter: in fact, the room data structure is not the entire room structure as described in the chapter IX, but instead is the tr2_room_data structure described in the chapter II. So, the num words you read is the size of this tr2_room_data, not tr2_room ! The tr2_room_data stop before the "NumDoors" offset, and you can check that the offset at NumDoors is really 0xB1514.