Question to Turbo (me again... ;-) )

Question to Turbo (me again... ;-) )

Replies | Reply | Tomb Raider Level Editor & Utility Discussion Forum

Posted by Tomb Biker on July 24, 2000 at 20:01:21:

Hi Turbo,

hope you´re fine.

The last few days I used RView a lot to export my rooms to dxf for modification.
I found something iritating in RView and export/import. If you have two rooms overlaping for portals the one with the higher room number seems to be slightly bigger. I checked that in Rhino (created a level w/ two rooms, exported them to dxf and looked them up). When pasting them both in one drawing the tiles of room1 don´t fix the ones of room2. Easiest way to check: make two rooms by copying and paste them over each other. Sometimes you can see that during gameplay when there´s a platform in a room above.

Next thing (no prob, there´s a workaround) is that exporting, importing and the same again seems to create a failure by rounding (maybe not the correct word, I mean to increase a floating value that has too many numbers after the point). The workaround is to export and merge the distorted polygons w/ the new ones that have been built by changing something in the room.

Third question; I looked up original TR levels w/ RVIew and saw that the area beneath the visible polygons doesn´t contain polygons at all. I bet this would be really hard to realize for dxf import but the feature would be great.







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