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9/12: cardboardpalletd, plywood4x8'd 9/6: electricdisconnect, electricdisconnectdoor, electricdisconnectswit(ch--but AW has a 22-character object limit), electricconduit 9/5: 6packrings, added 6packrings to coke6pack (but made rings texture/mask more symmetrical), garagedoorholders1 9/3: 1.2sidewalkcorner1b/-1c-s/1d-s 9/1: .5x.5hcs1, .25x.5hs1, .25x1.5hs, 1x1.75hs, 4x4-45ds, 4x3-45ds; textured bucket5gal handle. 8/30: 2.2x10sidewalkcurbsd 8/29: Tweaked AWI's avm_nat_michael av (surface, lengthened shorts to knee, used higher-res boot bottom texture for both boots; why it was used only on 1 boot is beyond me, but that's AWI inconsistency for you!) 8/24: Tweaked Ling av's heel and shoppingcart UVs (+ added rear horizontal support bar) 8/23: Added AWI's fem1 av's hands to Mauz's JennaRed av. 8/20: shoppingcart (heavily modified from cart; still needs some UVing and the masked grate texture needs tweaking), cblock10x.2x10fbt/-fb, 15x20hdirt 8/18: offramp (converted roadramp1a to 3DS to UV correctly in Max), cart 8/17: extracted Deus Ex doberman, mutt, and securitybot2 for Mizzy (which she converted to RWX and tweaked) 8/16: converted Devastation's rat 8/15: Redid concreteblock1 in 3DSMax, but not sure I'll use it since it's more polys. 8/13: Tweaked - tire so it works as an av, and Melinda av's surface and thigh textures. Created gutter.1x1. 8/12: 3DSMax - nailbox, ppolesplinter, nail, stargatewormhole; faucetwater, urinalwater 8/11: hedge1x10 (3DSMax), tweaked oildrumh1m av so it works with SEQs again (for some stupid reason, avs are now required to be in a nested clump in order for SEQs to work on them), oildrum (3DSMax) 8/10: streetlight2 (another 3DS Max object, but it's not as good as I'd like it to be...and texturemapping it is a pain!), tweaked tree3 series to remove seam (which I finally figured out why it happens even on textureclamped objects!), pipe- (with bracket--still another 3DS Max object; hey, I think I'm getting the hang of it!) 8/8: coolerdoor.7a (glassfog), removed gaspump food signs, 1x5x1concretel, 1x5x1concretelt, worked on Kuruma GTA3 car conversion some more (got textures and door rotations right, separated windows and made them transparent), 2x12.5hs 8/6: Tweaked icebox (shorter, fixed warped side textures, extended front textures), milkcrate (textured rim top), and guttergrate (deeper, textured inside and top). Created pic4x4cm, pic.2x.2, garagedoortrack1m, and pic.5x.5b. Turns out "Mat" (whose, or so I thought, Deus Ex conversions I tweaked) may actually be Count Dracula (who runs Freebies world where I got the objects from). Oh and it seems AW does still support DFFs; I just forget the ".dff" extension (and it wouldn't redownload if the extension was added after AW had already tried to download the non-extension file, which it thought was an RWX). 8/5: Tweaked bottlep64ozGatorade (opacityfix, primitives converted to vert-polys) and milkcrate (added more 3D top rim, textured bottom). 8/4: Redid the pipes without caps. Created pipel (curve/elbow sleeve--another 3DS Max object), pipe- (straight sleeve), pipe2.5m, and rung. Tweaked intersection manhole hole: it seams 3DSMax 2 has a floating point error when calculating a boolean operation. Attempted to get GTA3 DFFs working again but AW seems to no longer support them. :/ Converted GTA3 "Karuma" car but UVing all screwy. 8/3: pipe10m, pipe5m, pipet, pipecap--will probably rename these to pipe 8/2: dandelion1 (more "3D" version), made dandelion shadow (dandelion-s) separate, intersection (with manhole hole--1st 3D Studio Max object created and converted to RWX), tweaked manhole1 (AW's manho1) to be 1x1m
8/1: tire, tread2.5m, remodelled electricalbox with bottom indention, electricalbox1 (.5x1.5x.5)
7/30: Textured WTC sides.
7/29: Added upper floorplate to escalator. Fixed 10x4cfences so it actually is 10m wide... signpole4m - mask-textured (recreated using less verts) and angled bottom to make it more realistic (to push into ground better).
7/28: npool3c1a (2m-long shallow section), duct.5x2.5x.5-b., ductvent.5m (and reduced ductvent1x.75m to 1cm)
7/27: sprinklerwater (can't get texture mask to work in AW for some reason...)
7/26: Resized gaspump. Tweaked Mat's Deus Ex conversion: trashcan-de (so it doesn't conflict with another "trashcan" object; removed bottom) and trashbag - both renamed and resized. Created signpole4m (u-channel), waterdrop, and waterfountain wall shadow.
7/25: Tweaked Mat's Deus Ex conversions: mailbox - renamed, fixed legs (some only rendered on 1 side, 1 was missing a triangle), trashcan - renamed, rescaled, and created a shadow. Edited phone buttons (now flush with payphone front), UVed phonehook, and created waterfountainwater for waterfountain.
7/24: electricalbox (renamed original unfinished electricalbox to electricbox), tweaked Mat's Deus Ex conversions: urinal (standingloo; renamed, removed hidden polys, resized), and waterfountain (removed hidden polys, fixed backwards nozzle, used original grey texture instead of that hideous red one, resized)
7/23: Tweaked Freebies world's gaspump (unknown modeller) - removed nozzle covered polys and signs (which just rendered on the back). Seems I already have a picdiamond shadow, .7dhs--doh! Like I'm supposed to remember all my objects after 2 years! :P Created roadgutter 7.6/10x10 (road + gutter) and roadgutter 10/5m1 (both using a grittier, darker, grimier texture than plain clean cement)
7/22: road7.2-10x20, bush2d
7/21: picdiamonds (looks like I'm going to have to change all--hundreds!--my shadow surfaces/colors in order to get a more accurate dark blue-grey look), recentered volleyball so all-axis rotation is accurate
7/20: sandbarrel
7/18: garagedoortrack4m, garagedoor3x5t,m,b (3-section: top, middle, bottom), z-axis-lengthened sgwoosh1 so it's flush with Stargate even horizon when animated
7/15: roadramp1 (using Andras' Staircase Generator; unfinished)
7/12: Fixed escalatorsteps spacing (off by 5cm) so it seamlessly animates; need to work on escalator sides, bottom, and top platform. Tweaked FedEx box small size. Tweaking deliverytruck to be a FedEx truck. Created plywood4x8'. Edited hose.
7/8: pallet jack (unfinished)
containers: bowl, can, cups, empty 1-gallon jug, paper bag, plate, water bottle (hand-sized & machine)
12/20: vending machine (Coke, snack), 24-pack (Coke)
3/1: tweaked trees
11/20: spherical infinity 10/27: tweaked gizmo av (Dataman) 10/26: pole.5mb 10/4: tweaked rat (Criterion) 9/15: clouds (vertical plane) 9/8: tweaked avs (Transformer, X-Wing) 8/29: tweaked mech av (based off COB conversion by ?) |