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3D Game Comparison
(see how 10six compares to other games)
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7/5/4: Added Internet Archive link for this page at bottom. Tweaked layout.
7/1/4: 10six lives! Project: Visitor; added jit image; updated updates
4/6/4: changed table font/width, top links
9/18/2: minor maintenance; 10six is dead
8/3/1: fixed 3D game comparison link
11/29/99: fixed logo link
~10/4/99: Added 10six to 3D game comparison.

Armor | Buildings | Gear | Modifers | Rovers | Turrets | Weapons


Note: 1 jit = 1 bulk
Armor Availability Build
Cost (TU)
Bulk Corp Damage FP HP Movement Resistance
Absorbant rare 600 10 Inf -5% +1 +160 -1 ballistic/beam/flame
Composite Sheath limited 600 Inf - +65 ballistic/beam/flame
Firmed rare 900 13 all - +1 +100 +1 -
Hardened Steel limited 450 5 all -10% - +130 - ballistic
Layered restricted 750 Inf -10% - +60 ballistic/beam/flame
Kev2 common 550 8 eXtreme -25% - +160 -1 ballistic
Magna II common 900 8 ToyCo -40% - +70 - beam
Magnatron Shield common 350 4 Brute Force -30% - +80 - beam
Mesh limited 800 11 ToyCo -50% - +100 -2 flame
Mesh II rare 950 14 ToyCo -10% +1 +120 +1 beam/flame
Powered rare 550 10 eXtreme - +1 +70 +4 -
Reactive limited 1200 14 eXtreme -45% - +60 -2 flame
Skirmish rare 1100 18 Brute Force - +1 +130 -3 -
Steel Plate common 300 4 all - - +60 - -
Transteel limited 1300 16 Brute Force -20% - +200 -3 ballistic

Buildings Availability Build
Cost (TU)
Corp Damage (HP) HP Range Storage Upkeep
Cost (TU)
Armor Factory limited 1100 all - 1800 - 25 jits 11
Decoy Silo limited 600 eXtreme 175 500 20m - 8
Gear Center limited 900 all - 1500 - 25 jits 10
Nerve Center rare 0 all - 3000 - 50 jits 23
Research Center limited 1200 all - 1600 - 25 jits 13
Rover Yard limited 1100 all - 1800 - 25 jits 12
Spotter Tower military 2000 Inf - 600 - - 23
Teleport Matrix rare 1500 - - 1000 - - 13
Transium Silo rare 2000 - - 750 - 5000 TU 10
Transium Well common 1700 - - 1000 - 2500 TU 15
Warehouse rare 800 all - 1000 - 100 bulk 9
Weapon Plant limited 1000 all - 1600 - 25 jits 11

Gear Availability Build
Cost (TU)
Bulk Corp Damage (HP) HP Radius Range Resistance Upkeep
Cost (TU)
Detonator commercial 300 Inf 244 - - -
Homing Toy restricted ToyCo
Hoverboard default - 50? all -
Image Scanner
Masher commercial 150 Brute Force 200
Med Kit commercial 100 4 all 100 (heal)
Proximity Mine commercial 100 eXtreme 150 20m
Regenerator eXtreme 250 (heal)
Siphon commercial 1000 all -
Smoke Bomb commercial 150 ToyCo 30
Tox Bomb commercial 200 ToyCo 200

Modifiers Availability Build
Cost (TU)
Bulk Corp Damage (HP) FP HP Modifies Accuracy Movement Radius Range Resistance
Adaptive Optix restricted 1000 ToyCo +10% - - beam weapons - - - +10% -
APDS military Brute Force +10% - - ballistic weapons - - - +20% -
Alloy Skeleton Brute Force - armor - +2 - - -
Armor-Piercing restricted 800 all +10% - - bullet weapons - - - +5% -
Dynamic FCS military 750 all - - - buildings/rovers +4 - - - -
Efficient Assembly
Gas Dynamic Kit ToyCo beam weapons
High-Yield Brute Force?
Kevlar Dampeners 1200 eXtreme -10% - - armor - - - - bullet
Materials Upgrade restricted 750 all -5% +1 - armor - - - - all
Microhydraulics military 1250 3 all - +1 - armor - +4 - - -
Nitrox Injectors military 1500 eXtreme +10% - - flame weapons - - - +20% -
Power Flux Adaptor military eXtreme
Reflectivity Brute Force?
Target Lock restricted 1000 Inf - - - turrets/weapons +5 - - - -
Thruster restricted 1000 3 eXtreme - - - hoverboard - +8 - - -
Transteel Skeleton Inf - - +1000 buildings - - - - -
Transteel Projectile military 1100 3 Inf +20% - - bullet weapons - - - -
Vulcanization restricted 1200 ToyCo -10% - - armor - - - - flame

Rovers Availability Build
Cost (TU)
Bulk Corp FP HP Movement Type Upkeep
Cost (TU)
Beast restricted 750 55 Inf 1 350 beam/bullet 12
Behemoth military 1750 Inf 4 1200 bullet
Blink commercial 700 all 1 400 beam
Disintegrator restricted 1200 ToyCo 3 800 beam
Dreadnaught military 1750 Brute Force 4 1000 bullet
Drake 1000 eXtreme 3 650 bullet/flame
Enforcer restricted 1300 Brute Force 3 800 bullet
ERT commercial 500 45 all 0 400 medical
Flower Kitty military 1750 ToyCo 4 900 beam
Gnat ToyCo 1 beam
Grunt commercial 750 Brute Force 2 600 bullet
Leech military 600 all 0 250 TU transport
Lumen restricted 900 ToyCo 2 600 beam
Mule commercial 650 all 1 300 bullet, jit/LEDO/TU transport
Ranger commercial 700 all 1 400 bullet
Scorch commercial 700 eXtreme 2 500 bullet/flame
Triage restricted 1200 Inf 3 800 bullet/medical
Vesuvius military Brute Force 4

Weapons Availability Build
Cost (TU)
Bulk Corp Damage FP Range Resistance Shot
Cost (TU)
1911D ballistic: bullet
AR25 commercial 730 Inf 12 2 120m ballistic: bullet
Baron restricted 2020 ToyCo 30 5 180m beam: plasma cannon rocket
Cobra commercial 755 Brute Force 13 2 130m 2 ballistic: bullet
Crackler commercial 1650 ToyCo 30 4 200m beam: photon artillery
Crossbow RR40 military 1000 10 all 40 3 150m ballistic: cannon
Defender commercial Inf 15 1 120m bullet
Deliverance restricted Brute Force
Dragon commercial 650 eXtreme 8 80m flame
ER22 restricted 740 ToyCo 36 2 165m 5 beam: pulse
Exciter commercial 440 ToyCo 20 1 160m beam: IR laser
FAE Meteor military 1775 eXtreme 110 5 210m flame: napalm artillery
FS-13 commercial 1145 eXtreme 60 3 150m flame: napalm artillery
Gatekeeper restricted Brute Force 7 4 160m 2 ballistic: bullet
HOD-51C military 1750 eXtreme 60 4 160m flame
IT 320L commercial 55 all 10 1 85m ballistic: bullet
Javeline V15 commercial 1200 Inf 60 3 150m 9 ballistic: missile
LP2 commercial 355 all 22 1 100m beam: laser
LR1 restricted 755 ToyCo 16 3 155m beam: pulse burst
M99 Stump restricted 620 all 30 2 140m ballistic: grenade
Maelstrom military 2000 Inf 24x4 5 170m - ballistic: missile
Maneater T4 commercial 595 eXtreme 10 3 155m ballistic: bullet
Marksman restricted 685 Inf 30 2 170m ballistic: bullet
MASC military 1050 ToyCo 60 4 175m beam: heavy EM laser
Overwatch commercial 1130 Inf 10 3 140m ballistic: bullet
Phoenix eXtreme flame
Pulse commercial 635 ToyCo 20 1 140m beam: pulse burst
Security 2000 Brute Force?
SLM 30 restricted 1200 Inf 60 4 160m - 8 ballistic: missile
Spass Brute Force ballistic: cannon
Sport 250 Brute Force?
Tain restricted Brute Force 70 4 160m 10 ballistic: cannon
Teq10 restricted 275 all 8 1 100m ballistic: bullet
TOM-V military 7 Brute Force 13 3 140m 1 ballistic: rocket
Twin Raven eXtreme flame?
Zed Special restricted 1185 eXtreme 10 3 155m ballistic: bullet


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